I want to tell this elder that I do not want him studying with my son period. But I fear that that the blowback will be severe. My son wants to study with him and my wife is all in as well. Really, all relationships in my house have been strained and if I stop this study completely, it will get worse. She even said that his study would not be stopped even if some other brother is studying with him.
How am I supposed to get around that? I am not ready to disassociate myself nor am I ready to get disfellowshipped. I still have a lot of family that are still "in" and I am just keeping up appearances at this point. It is going to be hell either way.
I did not want to mention this, but he is my stepson. I have been his father for over half of his life. his mother would have more legal rights then me and she knows that. If I got disfellowshipped, I will probably have no legal standing to stop his study.